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Parents and Citizens committee

Logo_Kita_Wadhaus.jpg  NEU 2017

Förderverein der Kita–Waldhaus e. V.


Thomas-Müntzer-Weg 3
15834 Rangsdorf


ChairmanChristiane Nelson
Deputy ChairmanClaudia Rüdrich
TreasurerSabine Schmidt
Introduction to the Förderverein (Parents and Citizens Committee)

The Förderverein Kita-Waldhaus e.V. is a non-profit organisation which was founded on 11th June 2001, with the aim of supporting the work of the Kita, primarily through financial means.

Through the work we have done, we have been able to provide in-ground trampolines, a football pitch, raised garden beds, a covered bicycle shelter as well as a new buggy for the younger children. All of this has only been possible through the numerous donations and membership fees we have received from our Kita community.

We are planning many more projects for the future both big and small, such as new permanent shading for the yard, new vehicles for the traffic garden and financing trips and excursions for the kids.

As well as donations and membership fees, we generate funds by organising several events during the year. The money raised from these events goes entirely to the Kita.

Some of these events include supporting the Kita during the summer party and the Festival of Trees, organised in cooperation with the Fördervereins of the Groß Machnow and Rangsdorf primary schools. This is now a yearly highlight in people’s calendars which the whole of Rangsdorf can join and enjoy.

We would like to see you at these events, and we would be very happy if you would like to support us in their organisation and running.

If you would like to become a new member, please fill out the membership application and SEPA-Form and leave these in the mailbox at the Kita (entry area) or hand them to the Kita Manager. The English translation of the forms are for information only. For legal reasons, please only fill in the German forms, as attached.

We look forward to welcoming our new members.

The committee

