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Our facilities



DRK Kita-Waldhaus is located in Rangsdorf, a community of approximately 11,000 residents on the southern outskirts of Berlin. With a mix of modern and heritage buildings, Rangsdorf encompasses a rural setting alongside well-resourced infrastructure.


Situated in close proximity to nature reserves and forest area, DRK Kita-Waldhaus is surrounded by stand-alone houses and open fields. Children enrolled at our kindergarten come from single and multi-child families, many of which have a migrant background.

Our kindergarten has enrolment capacity for 85 children from the age of two to school-entry age, with learning taking place in bright, child-friendly rooms. Our premises cover a total of 2,700 square metres, including a front garden set up to promote physical activity, and a back garden featuring a traffic school.


We are open Monday to Friday from 0600-1700 (not including public holidays). Children are provided with breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, with all meals and drinks prepared on-site in our very own kitchen. Our little ones can also access drinks themselves throughout the day at our many drink stations located throughout the building.  


We offer:
  • a modern, developmental-oriented approach to teaching, learning, support and care of the children we are entrusted with
  • on-going evaluation, quality control and refinement of teaching and learning approaches
  • teaching and learning in accordance with Brandenburg State Education guidelines and the mission statement of DRK Kindergartens
  • opportunities for children to be involved in the daily organisation of our kindergarten
  • bilingual instruction throughout the day
  • language development integrated into day-to-day learning
  • a semi-open concept
  • documentation of each child’s development journey in a personal portfolio
  • rooms organised according to learning area
  • on-going training and professional development for teaching and technical staff
  • cooperation with a range of community partners